List Operation Filter based on attribute string match

Hi All, Is there any way to filter a list based on the attribute string match ? e.g. the attribute value is 'abcdef', I want to filter out that object if matches the passed string value. In this case if I pass 'abc' it should give all the objects in which the attribute value contains 'abc' in it. Like '%abc%'. Please help me if this can be done ? Thanks, Bhola
2 answers

You can use the 'List Operation' and select 'filter', but it can only be used for matching an exact value at the moment. For something more advanced I think you'd have to write a Java action for now. Perhaps you could file a feature request too.


You could solve it in a microflow like this (using the contains function):

(make sure to replace FileDocument with your object type and the attribute Name with the attribute you want to check)

alt text
