Dashboard in Mendix

Hello all, I have a requirement to build a dashboard in Mendix application where it would give a snapshot of application status. Similar to the below diagram Pending 10 Authorized 20 Closed 5 The number is the right denotes the number of the records in the system with the specified status. It should be a hyperlink and when clicked, it should navigate to a page where only these records are shown and some action can be taken on that. There are few items to be displayed in the dashboard which needs complex filters. Any suggestions?
1 answers

There are a couple of ways you could approach this. One would be a use a temporary entity with a series of integer attributes to store these counts. Then open this form with a microflow which first queries the data to set the correct values to the display attributes, then opens the page view.

Another method would be to use the Microflow Label widget from the Appstore. The text to display is set through a microflow as before, and you can set an on-click microflow to run when clicked.
