How to find and resolve the cause of log warning messages

Hi I have an App that is running live. It appears to be working fine but is generating a lot of warning messages in the current log on the live node as follows: 2014-10-09 09:45:00.682 WARNING - Core: Object with id '[MendixIdentifier:: id=3096224743823450 objectType=Questionnaire.Page entityID=11]' could not be retrieved. 2014-10-09 09:45:09.552 WARNING - Core: Object with id '[MendixIdentifier:: id=3096224743823388 objectType=Questionnaire.Page entityID=11]' could not be retrieved. 2014-10-09 09:45:16.369 WARNING - Core: Object with id '[MendixIdentifier:: id=3096224743823388 objectType=Questionnaire.Page entityID=11]' could not be retrieved. 2014-10-09 09:45:19.717 WARNING - Core: Object with id '[MendixIdentifier:: id=3096224743823388 objectType=Questionnaire.Page entityID=11]' could not be retrieved. 2014-10-09 09:45:20.786 WARNING - Core: Object with id '[MendixIdentifier:: id=3096224743823388 objectType=Questionnaire.Page entityID=11]' could not be retrieved. 2014-10-09 09:45:20.978 WARNING - Core: Object with id '[MendixIdentifier:: id=3096224743823388 objectType=Questionnaire.Page entityID=11]' could not be retrieved. During the day there are many more different MendixIdentifier objects but they all refer to the objectType =Questionnaire.Page entityID=11 How do I identify what the warning relates to so I can improve the code to prevent a retrieve that is failing but does not appear to be affecting the working of the application? I have tried to find references in the documentation but have drawn a blank so far. I am interested to improve the App and learn more about using the monitor side of running an App to identify issues and improve its performance.
1 answers

These warnings are often caused by an implicit rollback or delete of a new object, for example by a window cancel, or delete behaviour combined with a delete of an associated object.

After that a form or microflow is assuming that the object is still alive and want to save or change it.
