404 error / nginx when using a deeplink

Locally I have no problem resolving deeplinks. In the cloud I get this error. A similar question in the forum = https://community.mendix.com/questions/2808/DeepLink-404-Not-Found-Error. There are two answers there: 1. Then you need to proxy /link in your webserver to your application 2. File a support ticket If it is the first, can someone tell me how to do that?
2 answers

Unless your node is a sandbox, you can do this yourself in the node details. Click your node and open details, scroll down, select network tab. There you can add /link/ as request handler. Don't forget to toggle it to make it active. Just did this myself in our test node.


The answer is you need to file a support ticket in order to proxy /link in your webserver to your application. Only Mendix can do that for you as far as I know, I've had the same trouble with Deeplinks when I first used them. You can go to https://support.mendix.com/ in order to do so..

Hope that helps you out!
