Normally a document is included in base64 encoding. If you mapping points to a filedocument specialization Mendix does the hard work for you and creates a filedocument. Be sure to assign a name with a correct extension like '.pdf'.
It is possible that your webservice calls results in a link to ftp, webservice or a different way to get the document. It that case you must create some logic to get that document.
Hi Chris,
The message content in response I got is:
<e:Envelope xmlns:d="" xmlns:i="" xmlns:fn35="" xmlns:fn40m="" xmlns:fn40="" xmlns:xop="" xmlns:e="">
<GetContentResponse xmlns="">
<ContentResponse i:type="fn40:ContentElementResponse" retrievalName="WVL12352USEN.PDF" totalSize="717387">
<SourceSpecification i:type="fn40:ObjectReference" classId="Document" objectId="{C404669C-524D-419C-B3A5-ED4B4F91E079}" objectStore="{A5E3D405-E66C-4B26-9093-650CBAC577ED}"/>
<ElementSpecification elementSequenceNumber="0"/>
<Content i:type="fn40:InlineContent">
<xop:Include href=""/>
And an attachment.
Ik can see the name of the document and see a Href., but is this a ftp link?