SFTP Access to Mendix with custom cloud, is there a Filezilla alternative?

Our customer has a sftp environment hosted in the mendix custom cloud, together with their mendix app. The access to the sftp environment is settled with a putty key and using filezilla. This works perfect. Now our customer is switched to using CuteFTP instead of filezilla and connecting to the sftp doesn't work anymore. Although it seems that CuteFTP supports SSH keys, it doesn't work with the private key generated by puttygen. I like to use filezilla, but our customer could choose another tooling. Is our customer restricted to use filezilla to set up a connection to the sftp environment, hosted by Mendix? Anyone else who managed to connect with a filezilla alternative?
2 answers

Filezilla uses the same private key format as putty uses, CuteFTP (seriously, what's cute about FTP?!) might want to read the private key in another file format?

Maybe like this: http://snippets.roozbehk.com/post/37847242201/convert-puttygen-key-to-openssh


Another alternative which works fine is WinSCP.
