SAML2 redirect in Phonegap hybrid app

We are converting our mobile website to a hybrid app using phonegap. However, our mobile website used to redirect the user to an external SSO page to take care of authentication via SAML2. With the default phonegap settings, the user is taken to a login screen in the phonegap wrapper and a redirect results in a person leaving the app. I've seen a number of solution directions on Stackoverflow for phonegap in general, but I am wondering what a good working practice is from the perspective of Mendix.
1 answers

This is possibly because the PhoneGap wrapper isn't allowed to navigate to the URL that is being targeted in the redirect. For security reasons, you wouldn't want just any URL to be opened inside the wrapper. So, I think you might need to add your redirect to the whitelist in your config.xml file, like is detailed here.
