Display Header in all the pages where data is displayed

Hi, I want to display Headers of the Table in all the pages of PDF where ever data follows. I am using a Template Grid to display data and a static table to display header. Is there any advice how to repeat the headers in all the pages where ever data displays. I have a asked a same question before. since I have not got any solution asking this again. Any idea on this?
2 answers

Unless you create a fully custom solution (without DocumentTemplate from Mendix), I'm pretty sure you wont be able to achieve this.


Hi Nirmal: sounds like you've been very creative with your "Template Grid to display data and a static table to display header" approach - and as Nick says, you seem to be beyond the limits of what you can achieve with native Mendix.

Look in the App Store, search on the word "Word" and check out "Word Merging 4 Mendix" from Appronto and "Word Document Generation for Mendix" from Black Opal. You seem to work for ABN AMRO Clearing... I imagine the cost of the additional software licence required in either case should be within somebody's budget.
