How to block users based on a server location constant?

I have 2 application servers running on the same MPR, I would like to use a constant like "ServerLocation" to specify the serverlocation in the application.conf. (e.g ServerLocation=A & ServerLocation=B). Also I want to trigger a microflow which checks the server location using the constant and blocks users which are not allowed to login on server location B. Is it possible to trigger the microflow once after the XAS has started?
1 answers

If you only trigger the microflow once after the XAS has started, it doesn't block users which are created after the trigger. Therefore, you should trigger a scheduled event or on change event (of user) which blocks users which are not allowed to login on the specific server.

Further, for each application you can configure which scheduled events should be trigger in the application.conf file. As a consequence, you do not have to use constants in this case.
