Security Error on Default Theme

Hello, Just created a new app and looking arround the default contents. Their seems to be quite a bit here already - on the mobile app an admin can create a user and view them. (nice!). Although; I am getting this error on some atributes. Im guessing something wrong with security, any ideas? Could not create widget mxui.widget.DateInput: Error: No permission to read or write attribute LastLogin of entity Administration.Account, check security. AND Could not create widget mxui.widget.BoolSelect: Error: No permission to read or write attribute Blocked of entity Administration.Account, check security.
2 answers

This has nothing to do with the theme but all with security. Widget can't read the attributes due to security reasons. Did you switch security on? Click on Project: security, tick production.


If you inspect the access rules of system.user you will notice that there aren't any read/write rights set for these attributes. As the system module isn't editable you won't be able to access these attributes directly.

What worked for me in the past is using conditional visibility on the blocked attribute and showing something else indicating the blocked status.

Maybe you can use a virtual attribute to expose last login.
