What does the error No connecting flow found means?

After checking the log files I found this message: No connecting flow found after processing activity 'Bijlage toegevoegd?' (gateway value: empty) in microflow xyz. This microflow is a custom save button where either the object is saved if all criteria are met or returns with a message when something is missing. Why would the model complain about a connecting flow when there is no connecting flow but just a form that either gets saved and closed when everything is OK or returns to the form when the user has made a mistake? Or am I missing something here about the cause of this log fault? Regards, Ronald
2 answers

This error may happen on a boolean split where the object is empty and the boolean attribute is non-existent and thus empty. Insert a split != empty before the split.


I got this error after merging, try to delete the exclusive split and recreate it. This wil solve the problem sometimes. I've seen this error too in case of timing issues (a huge object with a lot of references in memory)
