We use to set the value using by default: Imendixobject uservalue=Core.create(getContext(), "MyFirstModule.testfunction"); uservalue.put(this.getcontext(),testfunction.MemberNames.Empname.toString(),"Mendix"); My entity name is always dynamic for the user access ,so it needs to be set dynamic. It will save the varaible in string and pass it to java class. For eg it needs to be like this String varname="testfunction.MemberNames.Empname.toString()"; uservalue.put(this.getcontext(),varname,"Mendix"); Its expecting a proxy object in the commit but not able to get the same since it is a string variable. Is there any type casting option available to change the above.Value passed in string will be same as the value in default entity set. Your assistance is highly appreciated.
1 answers
Don't use proxies for this because they are typed. Use IMendixObject.getValue(membername) and setValue(membername, value).
The proxies provide named attributes and typed values, getValue and setValue are generic.
Edit: To be extra save check against IMendixObject.hasMember()