Appronto Chatter app: Cant log in to it

Hello, I am trying to integrate the Chatter app from the App Store into my website. I have completed every step from the Installation section of the documentation and noticed it never mentioned the log in/out microflows nor a way for users to create a ChatUser entity. I assumed all that needs to be done to correct this is have a Log in button tied to the UserLogin microflow since it will also create a ChatUser entity if there are none tied to the User's account. I have the UserLogin microflow as a sub-item on the navigation bar. However, I can not get it to create a ChatUser entity. The account I was testing with was my MxAdmin account. It has the ChatUser and Administrator module roles added to it. I watched the UserLogin microflow with a breakpoint while trying to log in on the MxAdmin account. At the third inheritance split, it fails to find a ChatUser entity (which is fine since there are none) and goes through the false path. The fourth inheritance split depends on a boolean value from a Java Action called RegisterSessionForUser. I'm not sure what the java action does, but it always returns false and ends the microflow. One of the arguments the action calls on is the Name attribute from the ChatUser entity the third inheritance split tries to and fails to find. I feel like this may be a mistake but I'm not having any success with getting the microflow to work by editing these arguments. I'm sure I have something set up wrong but I don't know what it is. I would appreciate any advice with this issue.
2 answers

Hi Andy,

The UserLogin microflow is called by the Chatter widget. You have to place the chatter widget into your home form / layout (like the feedback widget). Then it should be called. Please disconnect your own login button from calling this Microflow.

You should get an error in the console logging if registering a user session fails. Can you post that error?


I would never test this with the MxAdmin account since that account is not a regular user. Try creating multiple normal user accounts and use two different browsers (chrome and firefox for instance) to log two users into your local environment. Then you can test the chat function and see if the other user gets the message.


