Publishing a module (app) within company group

Could someone point me to a step by step guide on how to publish an app in Mendix? I think, the first step would be to export the module as an MPK, but where do I submit it next? Secondly, how can I ensure that only my company group is able to download it, due to confidentiality issues? Thanks.
2 answers

Hi Amey,

It is really easy process.

Step 1: Export module package (see screenshot below)

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Step 2: Go to Mendix app store (

Step 3: Click on "Add app store content" (see screenshot below)

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Step 4: Upload source file (the project package that you created in step1) and select publish to private app store from dropdown and enter required details and click on Save draft (see screenshot below)

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Step 5: Edit the saved draft and enter the documentation and other details and click on Publish (see screenshot below) and you are done, your app is published to Mendix private app store and only your company can see it.

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Hi Can you help me with how to reuse module models? and publish it to app store?
