Opening project with wrong version of the modeler

From the teamviewer, when I open one of my projects, which is created with modeler 6.8.0, Mendix Modeler tries to open it with version 6.7.1, which, off course, does not succeed. Where can I change a setting or what can I do to open my projects with version 6.8.0 ?
3 answers

Do you have the Mendix Version Selector installed? As far as I know this should take care of it, as long as you have the appropriate version installed of course.


As far as I can see Mendix Version Selector is installed. In Program Files in map Mendix there is a Map Version Selector. When I run VersionSelector.exe, it shows a page: Manage Installed Modeller Versions. At this page there are 2 lines: First line: Version = 6.8.0, Type = Installed Second line: Version = 6.7.0, Type = Installed

Do I have to uninstall 6.7.0 ?


It should automatically detect the correct version. Does it fail to open the project in the modeler? As 6.7.0 should not be able to open a 6.8.0 project. If it correctly opens the project it is much more likely the project is actually a 6.7.0 project.

If it fails to open, you can file a ticket in our support portal and add a project package (how to export a project package).

If it correctly opens, you can start Mendix 6.8.0 and manually open the project (File -> Open project -> select .mpr) and convert it to 6.8.0.
