Excel Importer

My requirement is this:- When I select a particular salesquotesid it should display the customer associated with that(there is 1 to * between salesquotes and customer ). The problem is that it is showing only salesquotes data, the data which should be fetched from salesquotescustomer is not displaying.I am importing the data from the ExcelImporter module, there is no data present in salesquotescustomer This might be the reason When I am using the page to enter the master data then all the customer associated with salesquoteid is populating. There is some thing I am missing while importing the data. Any suggestions? HOw to provide referencing while data importing with ExcelImporter????
1 answers

In your Excel Import template, you will find Reference handling on the Reference tab. On this tab, you can specify the behavior for all reference columns that are defined on the previous tab, Columns. One of the options is to Find Reference, Create If Not Found, which is seems like option you should use.

FYI, the best practice I use for Excel import is to import your spreadsheet as is into an entity that has all of the columns in your spreadsheet and create a new object for each row. Then once the spreadsheet data is in Mendix, process it using a microflow to create new objects, references, etc. This method enables you to have more visibility into what happens during processing, errors that might occur, etc.
