Reporting and If This Than That modules launched!

At Appronto we developed some very handy modules as part of our starter kit. This are modules which are usable in almost every project. We have released this to the app store so that whole community can benefit. Among other things, this are the most important modules we launched: Reporting For Mendix: this is an Runtime OQL query designer which is very useful for simple reporting purposes or statistics gathering (query results can be mapped back into the database). If This Than That (IFTTT): this is a module which allows you to design rules based on an IF statement (which will be fulfilled by the Reporting for Mendix) and that will execute the That statement. An example of a That statement is to send an e-mail. No longer design time e-mailing encapsulated in several microflows, just design the "If new order send person x e-mail" rule. In the future we'll add a lot more That cases. See Pim's blog post for more information. This modules will in time become more Business Friendly. For this moment you probably need to be a little bit technical. So try it out for free it's directly downloadable from the appstore, or contact us if you want to put some of these modules into production for more information about pricing and/or limitations.
1 answers

Kudo's Herbert for making this one free!!
