Export find results from modeler

Dear. I need to make an export of all the "Externally Used Microflows" in my case, 1124 microflows. I would like to have them listed down in Excel so that I can mark them as "checked". This way I have a controlled method of checking them one-by-one. I couldn't find a way to do this, CTRL/SHIFT actions are not allowed. Hope some one has an solution for this. Thank you so much in advance, Regards, Peter van der Pol
1 answers

I don't know to what extent you can identify / search for the specific microflows you're targetting, but a possible different approach would be to use MxModelReflection. This module not only lists objects from your model in runtime, but also the microflows. You could then perhaps export using the default Mendix export button from the Datagrid.

Hope it helps.
