How to resolve Cache issue - maxElementsInMemory

My application is throwing maxElementsInMemory. Has anyone received this error? Cache: 47bcf1a6-d013-49c7-841f-3a252adf2b3f has a maxElementsInMemory of 0. In Ehcache 2.0 this has been changed to mean a store with no capacity limit. Set it to 1 if you want no elements cached in memory CacheDecoratorFactory not configured for defaultCache. Skipping for '47bcf1a6-d013-49c7-841f-3a252adf2b3f'.
1 answers

Yes see my post here The warning gets even worse in later version of the modeler.

his might lead to performance degradation or OutOfMemoryError at Terracotta client.From Ehcache 2.0 onwards this has been changed to mean a store with no capacity limit. Set it to 1 if you want no elements cached in memory

I filed a bug report with ticket number203270. File a bug report also because these warnings are cluttering the logs. And to my knowledge there is no way to influance the warning / error.


