Migration from 4.5.2 to 5.1.1

I have been trying to move a project form 4.5.2 to 5.1.1 and my team and I have managed to minimise the errors in the compilation of libraries to a minimum... However, we are now stumped. Does anyone understand what these errors are trying to imply? Buildfile: C:\MendixProj\LV Broker Portal-branchnewMendixMigration11Sept\deployment\buildcore.xml compile-legacy: [javac] Compiling 847 source files to C:\MendixProj\LV Broker Portal-branchnewMendixMigration11Sept\deployment\run\bin [javac] C:\MendixProj\LV Broker Portal-branchnewMendixMigration11Sept\javasource\ipsecurity\helpers\IPRangeCheckerLoginAction.java:20: error: ';' expected [javac] import com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.core.UserAction(this.getContext); [javac] ^ [javac] C:\MendixProj\LV Broker Portal-branchnewMendixMigration_11Sept\javasource\ipsecurity\helpers\IPRangeCheckerLoginAction.java:22: error: '{' expected [javac] public class IPRangeCheckerLoginAction extends UserAction<isession>.UserAction(this.getContext()) [javac] ^ [javac] 2 errors BUILD FAILED C:\MendixProj\LV Broker Portal-branchnewMendixMigration11Sept\deployment\buildcore.xml:48: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details. Total time: 2 seconds Thanks for your time.
1 answers

Did you check the migration guide at https://world.mendix.com/display/refguide5/Moving+from+4+to+5 ? This looks like an example of one of the listed breaking changes.

"The parameterless constructor for UserAction has been removed. Constructing a UserAction always requires an IContext now. Changes are only necessary for custom user actions which are NOT defined as custom Java action in the Modeler, e.g. an action which replaces the LoginAction using an action listener."

Since you are using IPRangeCheckerLoginAction this seems to be exactly the case here.

Also, I really urge you to move to the latest 5.x version, it's far more stable than 5.1.1.
