Emailtemplate Tokenreplace with value é question

We have a strange thing when sending emails with é values. I am not sure it is a Mendix bug but may be could prevent it in Mendix. We use the token replacer when sending emails. We have a user with the name René. When the mail is saved in the application we see that the subject and html body are ok. His name is correct. But now the strange part at the receiving end: In Outlook the subject is ok but in the HTML body his name becomes Ren頋 In another mail client Zoho it just becomes Ren In Google it show ok. Now I am totally mistified why different email clients would bungle this text. It must be something with misinterpreting HTML text. Has anybody seen this kind of behaviour or a guess about a sollution? Regards, Ronald [EDIT] After some digging it seems that in the subject header we do have a utf-8 declaration (Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?) that seems to be missing in the body text. [EDIT2] I think that Erwin's answer might be right. I filed a bug report with ticket 204825 because it seems that the Content-Type is set to multipart/mixed and not UTF-8 for all the mail bodies. Or the EmailTemplate should be able to change all special characters to their HTML counterpart.
3 answers


the issue here is possibly the content-type and where the mail client gets this information from. Most clients get the content type from the header and some, like Gmail convert the content-type to UTF-8 see here for an explanation. Inspect the headers of the mails to review the content-type. An option could be to convert the special chars to their html entities.


Does the email allow for meta tags like : <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">


We had that too, in our Mendix 5 project. Mendix made a fix to the email template module because Outlook misunderstood the content type settings where other email clients worked perfectly.

I don't know whether that fix has been ported to the Mendix 4 version too.
