
I would like to use hyperlinks in some forms in my application (for the attributes email address and website). Is it possible? Which property do I have to use?
2 answers

You can use the external link widget available in the Form Builder. Using your right mouse button you can set the following properties:

  • connect caption attribute: should be an attribute of type String. The content of this attribute will be visible in the client as caption of the link.
  • connect url attribute: should be an attribute of type String. The content of this attribute will be used as the url when the link is clicked. The target will be opened in a new screen/tab.

Note that only attributes of the object of the dataview in which you are placing the external link widget can be used.


Thanks Johan for your answer.

I've just set the two different hyperlinks as followed:


  1. The website caption attribute already exist
  2. Add an URL attribute of type String to the same object
  3. Add the external link widget in the dataview of the object
  4. Connect the caption attribute by clicking the right mouse button on the external link
  5. Connect the URL attribute by clicking the right mouse button on the external link
  6. Add a microflow which is triggered on change of the caption attribute field and check whether the caption attribute already contains http:// or https://. If so, the URL attribute is exactly the same as the caption attribute. If not, set 'http://' + the caption attribute.


  1. The email caption attribute already exist
  2. Add an URL attribute of type Sting to the same object
  3. Add the external link widget in the dataview of the object
  4. Connect the caption attribute by clicking the right mouse button on the external link
  5. Connect the URL attribute by clicking the right mouse button on the external link
  6. Add a microflow which is triggered on change of the caption attribute field and set the URL attribute as 'mailto:' + the caption attribute.