Mendix layout not working in Hybrid App

The standard Mendix 5 layout works fine on smartphones and tablets. While starting the same application as hybrid app via the Mendix Developer App I get an popup with an error message saying that an error occurred and to contact the system administrator. The error is only shown on the device, it is not listed in the Mendix log. After pressing the 'Oké' button, the application works fine but the styling is not as expected. For instance the background is now black in stead of white. I also noticed that a striping styling is now applied for list views. Any clue on how to solve this issue?
1 answers
  • The pop-up is mostly caused by using a custom widget which doesn't work well in combination with phonegap. Can you provide a list which custom widgets build by Mendix are part of a project where you encounter this issue?

  • There is already a ticket about the black screen issue. This issue will be solved in a future release.

  • Please verify if the default paths which direct to css files, in components.json, are correct.
