Domain-to-XML mapping via XSD - Mendix doesnt support al constructs

Where can I find which XSD constructs are supported by Mendix and which aren't? Currently trying to replicate an XML file produced by a legacy system which looks rather complicated. Would creating an exact copy of this XML be possible (assuming I have all the relevant data in my database ofcourse). The a href and font tags seem to be giving problems, is it possible to produce such an XML with mendix? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result> <products font="arial"> <product> <!-- This is the productid, not database id --> <id>123456</id> <!-- The name is in two parts --> <name> ALPHA JACKET </name> <!-- price in cents, this one is 100 of the money that belongs to the current locale. --> <price>10000</price> <!-- Nav field PFScollection --> <segment>RACING</segment> <!-- MAYBE THERE ARE SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS HERE REGARDING LINE BREAKS --> <description font="arial"> This multi-climate touring jacket combines high-quality materials and innovative details in an affordable package. The ALPHA is a great option for the touring rider in cooler climates who is unwilling to sacrifi ce comfort. The jacket has an all-around clean look, while offering many functional pockets and ventilation zippers for slightly warmer days. The built-in membrane keeps the jacket waterproof and breathable, while the removable thermal liner keeps you warm on colder days. </description> <!-- The available choices for the below fields in the product selector, will be aggregated from all values present in the xml.--> <genders> <gender>Female</gender> <gender>Male</gender> </genders> <colours font="arial"> <!-- multiple colours are possible --> <colour> <name>light gray</name> <code>rg34</code> <!-- each colour has 4 images --> <images> <!-- This image is 88 pixels in height, variable in width. --> <tiny> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/image-Wx88.png"/> </tiny> <!-- This image is 172 pixels in height, variable in width. --> <small> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/image-Wx172.png"/> </small> <!-- This image is 472 pixels in WIDTH, variable in height --> <regular> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/image-474xH.png"/> </regular> <!-- This image is 910 pixels in WIDTH, variable in height --> <large> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/image-910xH.png"/> </large> </images> </colour> <colour> <name>red</name> <code>rg37</code> <images> <!-- This image is 88 pixels in height, variable in width. --> <tiny> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/image-Wx88.png"/> </tiny> <!-- This image is 172 pixels in height, variable in width. --> <small> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/image-Wx172.png"/> </small> <!-- This image is 472 pixels in WIDTH, variable in height --> <regular> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/image-474xH.png"/> </regular> <!-- This image is 910 pixels in WIDTH, variable in height --> <large> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/image-910xH.png"/> </large> </images> </colour> </colours> <!-- each product should have over 3 related products defined, the product id is used to identify the products. --> <related> <product_id>ts468337</product_id> <product_id>tw787877</product_id> <product_id>fr676764</product_id> </related> <riders> <rider>Racing</rider> <rider>Touring</rider> </riders> <categories> <!-- multiple categories are possible --> <category>GORE-tex</category> <category>Leather</category> <category>Textile</category> </categories> <weatherconditions> <weather>Sunny</weather> <weather>Rainy</weather> </weatherconditions> <!-- vendor logos of materials used in this product --> <logos> <logo> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/goretex-logo.png"/> </logo> <logo> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/knox-logo.png"/> </logo> </logos> <reviews> <!-- reviews can be empty!!! --> <review> <magazine font="arial_bold">Italian kickstart magazine</magazine> <pdf> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/review-1223.pdf"/> </pdf> <title font="arial">Alpha jacket: Number one.</title> </review> <review> <magazine font="arial_bold">Motorsports magazine</magazine> <pdf> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/review-1263.pdf"/> </pdf> <title font="arial">A very good jacket indeed!</title> </review> </reviews> <videos> <!-- videos can be empty!! --> <video> <title font="arial">A superb jacket in action.</title> <image> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/preview-123.png"/> </image> <url> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/stream-1333.flv"/> </url> </video> <video> <title font="arial">Durability counts!</title> <image> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/preview-245.png"/> </image> <url> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/stream-1373.flv"/> </url> </video> </videos> <subcategories> <!-- multiple categories are possible --> <subcategory>GORE-tex</subcategory> <subcategory>Leather</subcategory> <subcategory>Textile</subcategory> </subcategories> <features> <pdf> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/all-features-for-676487687349.pdf"/> </pdf> <!-- Featureheader is language dependend and is a translation for the type attribute of the feature node--> <featureheader>Ergonomic</featureheader> <!-- multiple features possible. Features are either of type ergonomic or protective. --> <feature type="ERGONOMIC"> <name>Breathability</name> <properties> <property> <summary>Hydratex | Z liner (500mm h2o)</summary> <info> <title font="main_bold">Hydratex</title> <description> Nulla facilisi. In vel sem. Morbi id urna in diam dignissim feugiat. Proin molestie tortor eu velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam ultrices, diam tempus vulputate egestas, eros pede varius leo, sed imperdiet lectus est ornare odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. </description> <image> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/image-190x110.png"/> </image> </info> </property> </properties> </feature> </features> <features> <pdf> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/all-features-for-676487687349.pdf"/> </pdf> <featureheader>Protection</featureheader> <!-- multiple features possible. Features are either of type ergonomic or protective. --> <feature type="PROTECTION"> <name font="arial_bold">Outer shell</name> <properties font="arial"> <!-- multiple properties per feature --> <property> <summary>PWR|shell 500D</summary> <!-- info node is optional --> <info> <title font="main_bold">PWR</title> <description> A new palm slider made of a durable and highabrasion resistant compound at the palm side of the glove. The palm slider makes sure that the glove slides in case the palm of the hand comes incontact with the asphalt and it prevents the glove from grabbing. </description> <!-- This image must fit inside a 189x111 square --> <image> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/image-190x110.png"/> </image> <location>At chest</location> </info> </property> <property> <summary>SuperFabric</summary> <info> <title font="main_bold">Superfabric</title> <description> Nulla dui purus, eleifend vel, consequat non, dictum porta, nulla. Duis ante mi, laoreet ut, commodo eleifend, cursus nec, lorem. Aenean eu est. Etiam imperdiet turpis. Praesent nec augue. Curabitur ligula quam, rutrum id, tempor sed, consequat ac, dui. Vestibulum accumsan eros nec magna. </description> <!-- This image must fit inside a 189x111 square --> <image> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/image-190x110.png"/> </image> </info> </property> </properties> </feature> <feature type="PROTECTION"> <name>Insulation</name> <properties> <property> <summary>detachable thermal liner</summary> <!-- there is no more information about this feature --> </property> </properties> </feature> <feature type="PROTECTION"> <name>Breathability</name> <properties> <property> <summary>Hydratex | Z liner (500mm h2o)</summary> <info> <title font="main_bold">Hydratex</title> <description> Nulla facilisi. In vel sem. Morbi id urna in diam dignissim feugiat. Proin molestie tortor eu velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam ultrices, diam tempus vulputate egestas, eros pede varius leo, sed imperdiet lectus est ornare odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. </description> <image> <a href="http://i.have.a.crossdomain.xml/image-190x110.png"/> </image> </info> </property> </properties> </feature> </features> </product>
1 answers

Since Mendix 5.11 the Modeler will show in the XML Schema document if there are any unsupported constructs used. Since 5.12, the support for the all element has been added.

If this helps you with the href and font attributes, I cannot tell from here.
