SOAP address location uses wrong URL

It seems that Mendix 5.12 ignores the "Public application root URL" in the configuration of the console when it publishes a web service: This is a huge problem in environments that uses an ESB that requires historic versioning of web services. Is this a platform bug or am I suppose to do the configuration somewhere else? This prevents us from going live
3 answers

Are you seeing this behavior in a local development environment or in a (pre-)production environment? The public application root URL setting is a fallback for when the hostname cannot be determined from the HttpRequest's Host header. So for example when running on a cloud node you should not be seeing localhost:8080, but if you are testing locally then I believe there is no cause for concern.


I can see in the code this was changed but I don't know why, I will get back on this tomorrow after I talked with some people.


I'm experiencing the same problem. Has this been solved already?
