Error while deploying MxSMTP module

Hi, We've implemented the MxSMTP module in our Mendix 5 application. Localhost testing went fine, but during a deploy (to an on premise installation) The after-startup failed with the following error: 2015-01-15 14:37:51.102 INFO - MxSMTP: Starting smtp server... 2015-01-15 14:37:51.122 INFO - org.subethamail.smtp.server.SMTPServer: SMTP server *:110 starting 2015-01-15 14:37:51.126 ERROR - Core: An exception occurred while running the after-startup-action. 2015-01-15 14:37:51.126 ERROR - Core: com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Permission denied at MxSMTP.StartServer (JavaAction : 'Call 'StartSMTPServer'') at Administration.ASu_AfterStartUp (SubMicroflow : 'Call 'StartServer'') According to our server specialist, nothing is blocked on port 110, and should be able to deploy just fine. Do you have any tips? Thanks in advance!
3 answers

The port is not in use probably, but to open ports with low numbers (i think below 1000), you need to have root level access on the server or more JVM permissions, as 'suggested' by " Permission denied"


110 is the port for the ancient POP3 protocol without encryption. Why would you want to choose this to run an SMTP service?


Hi Hans,

We don't. Default, when starting the MxSMTP server, is requests access to this port. Which is weird, because that port is never ever used by the application. In the Java action itself I can't see (with my limited knowledge) where port 110 would be requested, since everything is retrieved from the config entity, which has a default value of port 25000

@Michel; for the sake of testing, we tried with root privileges, but the same problem occured...

Any other things I should look out for?
