Adding search in the Data Grid in data is fetching from microflow

Hi guys, I want to add the search button in my data grid, the data I am fetching from microflow ? How I can have search control in my grid?? Thanks in Advance!!
2 answers

You can't. Search button/bar are only available for a datasource of type Database. See the documentation here


Moved my comment to another answer because it got too long.

Some ideas:

  • figure out how to return the data you want into the datagrid with a database source and xpath, you could try having a listen to
  • Use a datagrid with a dataview that listens to it and nesting your microflow source datagrid in the dataview (I am not sure if this will re-execute the microflow when context changes or not)
  • create your own search fields using a separate entity. when the user clicks a button or changes a search criteria, execute a microflow that reloads the page so that the data is refreshed (in my experience, datasource microflows only execute when a page is loaded...maybe that has changed in 5)

those are a few directions to try
