Login.html from theme works local but not does not appear in Acc/prod node

I am running the default theme in the proejct settings. I had no login.html in my theme directory. So I copied the one I found in the local wbe deployment environment to the theme folder. I changed my login.html and the changes do show up locally. But the changes do not show up after committing to the teamserver and deploying in my acceptance environment. If change the theme.css in those changes do show up. What am I doing wrong?
2 answers

Did you create a zip file of the theme? Try unpacking it. The mistake most often made that all the files are a level to deep. When unpacking you should see the login.html and index.html in the main directory not in a subdirectory.




Indeed, so I found out. Quite confusing that it did pick up changes in theme.css, but not login.html. I have put it all in a zip now and hope it will work.
