Sorting on calculated attribute not allowed error

We use translations of data fields according to the Mendix sollution (see Multi language design models). But after our migration to 5 I am getting a weird error. See below. The problems is that we never sort on this attribute.This was already not possible in 4. I have double checked my model for the usage of the field but there is never a sort on this attribute. But now everytime I open a form where the translation would normally show I get the error. Anybody a guess what could be the cause? Regards, Ronald com.mendix.webui.WebUIException: Sorting on calculated attribute 'Referentietabellen.SD_Nationaliteit/Referentietabellen.SD_Nationaliteit.TranslationNationality' is not allowed. at com.mendix.webui.actions.ActionUtil$.com$mendix$webui$actions$ActionUtil$$hasNoVirtualAttributes(ActionUtil.scala:68)
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