java.lang.NullPointerException on end event

I have this microflow in my model Everything is working fine untill I get to the end event point. There it will throw the nullpointer below. Anybody a guess why? [EDIT] Double checked the model, but no virtual attributes are used here (we have on other places where we need to translate the datafields). And this microflow is a custom commit with not specials. Just retrieving the autocommitted objects and saving them again and closing the page. The error appears in the console at the endpoint and not before (at the close page). Will file ticket (ticket number 205585). [EDIT 2] The problem was a reference selector on a tab in a form. Removing this reference selector solved the problem. Since it would take to much time for R&D to find the root cause and we could program around it we did not delve deeper in the cause and closed the ticket. Again no virtual attributes are involved in this problem. Regards, Ronald An error has occurred while handling the request. [User 'man01' with session id 'b8a17f08-63d3-424b-9f4d-915da13ed72e' and roles 'Medewerker, Manager'] java.lang.NullPointerException: null at com.mendix.webui.actions.ActionUtil$.com$mendix$webui$actions$ActionUtil$$hasNoVirtualAttributes(ActionUtil.scala:65) at com.mendix.webui.actions.ActionUtil$$anonfun$buildSortMap$1.apply(ActionUtil.scala:41) at com.mendix.webui.actions.ActionUtil$$anonfun$buildSortMap$1.apply(ActionUtil.scala:38) at scala.collection.immutable.Range.foreach(Range.scala:160) at com.mendix.webui.actions.ActionUtil$.buildSortMap(ActionUtil.scala:38) at com.mendix.webui.actions.ActionUtil$.buildSortMap(ActionUtil.scala:31) at com.mendix.webui.actions.ActionUtil$.addSortExpressions(ActionUtil.scala:136) at com.mendix.webui.actions.client.XPathRetriever.retrieveWithSchema(XPathRetriever.scala:41) at com.mendix.webui.actions.client.RetrieveByXPathAction.execute(RetrieveByXPathAction.scala:36) at com.mendix.webui.requesthandling.ClientRequestHandler$$anonfun$handleRequest$1.apply$mcV$sp(ClientRequestHandler.scala:300) at com.mendix.webui.requesthandling.ClientRequestHandler$$anonfun$handleRequest$1.apply(ClientRequestHandler.scala:293) at com.mendix.webui.requesthandling.ClientRequestHandler$$anonfun$handleRequest$1.apply(ClientRequestHandler.scala:293) at com.mendix.core.session.Worker$$anonfun$receive$3$$anonfun$2$$anon$1.execute(ActionDispatching.scala:151) at com.mendix.util.classloading.Runner.doRunUsingClassLoaderOf( at com.mendix.core.session.Worker$$anonfun$receive$3$$anonfun$2.apply(ActionDispatching.scala:153) at scala.util.Try$.apply(Try.scala:191) at com.mendix.core.session.Worker$$anonfun$receive$3.applyOrElse(ActionDispatching.scala:147) at$class.aroundReceive(Actor.scala:465) at com.mendix.core.session.Worker.aroundReceive(ActionDispatching.scala:140) at at at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:238) at at akka.dispatch.ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator$AkkaForkJoinTask.exec(AbstractDispatcher.scala:393) at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec( at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask( at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool.runWorker( at
3 answers


Do you have Virtual Attributes in one of the entities used in your Microflow?


It's odd that you would get this error, It's almost as if you are doing an xpath query and then trying to sort on an attribute that doesn't exist. Any chance you're using a custom widget that does this xpath retrieve? If not I'd file a ticket.

Btw I don't see how this is caused by the end event of the microflow, it is triggered by an xpath retrieve from the client...


Did you managed to fix this Ronald? I have the same issue in 5.14.1.
