Custom Save & Archive

I have to copy the current row data from Current table to HistoryTable to Archive before updating the values of the current row. eg: TableName : Customer (Current Table) ---- Before Update Attributes: Name , Address , Phone,Date John , Surrey , 1325325, 5/3/2012 TableName : CustHistory Attributes: Name , Address , Phone,Date John , Surrey , 1325325, 5/3/2012 TableName : Customer (Current Table) Attributes: Name , Address , Phone,Date -----------After Update John , Surrey , 1325325, 15/3/2014 CAn you please help me with the microflow for this task. Thanks in advance,
3 answers

In a microflow that's triggered by the save button, get the object that you're editing from the database. With a query like [id = $objectname], then you have the old value from the retrieve and the new value from your input parameter and are able to create the data in the archive table and the current table.


archive This is how you copy associations


As Erwin explained above... The microflow on the save button first has to run and save what's currently on the table, ergo;

Retrieve object Change HistoryTable/_ _ _ _ to the Retrieved object, Commit (save) and refresh in client (optional)

When that is done, then you can change the objects to the new entered objects as per usual. Hopefully that all works.
