validation click of microflow

Hi, Can anybody tell me how to avoid field level validation on click of microflow i.e., I have registration page where I am capturing user data which is marked as required and also I have terms and conditions microflow link. On click of this link, other field level validations are getting called and the terms & conditions popup doesnt open until all validations are proper. Could anyone help me out how to read terms & conditions on click of microflow link irrespective of other field validations. Thanks in advance!!
2 answers

You could try running the terms and conditions validation first on the on-click microflow. That however depends on how you have set up the field level validations. If the field level validations are done through the properties of the field itself, then they will always run before or parallel to the on-click microflows.

The best way to therefore, circumvent this is to put those validations into the on-click microflow along with the T&C validation, arranging so that they run after the T&C is done running first.


Each link and microflow button has additional settings, which allow you to skip validations for the microflow call. Be careful that your form data may be incomplete or invalid, but if you just want to display terms and conditions that should be no problem.
