Export and import enumeration from one project to another in 2.5

I would like to export my enumeration (e.g. country ISO codes) from one project to another based on the 2.5 version of the Modeler. My enumeration is part of my CRM module, but I do not want to export the whole module because it contains a data model, lots of microflows and lots of forms which I don't need in the other project. How to transfer a enumeration from one project to another?
1 answers

Take the following steps to move an enumeration to another project:

  • Create a new module.
  • Move the enumeration there
  • Export this tiny module to file.
  • Import the file into your other project.
  • Move the enumeration into the right place.

An enumeration can refer to images and these are hard (read: impossible) to move in 2.5-beta. This will be solved in 2.5.0.
