Business Modeller GUI not displaying correctly in a MAC using Parallels virtualization

Hi All, I'm running Business Modeler (version 5.13.1) on a MacBook Pro 13 Retina. Because Business Modeler is Windows only, I'm using Parallels v9 to run a windows desktop image. Whilst the Business Modeller works, there are problems with certain parts of the GUI not being rendered correctly, such as dialogue boxes, button, etc, squashed or even cut off. Has anyone else come across this problem?
2 answers

I had to disable retina support in Parallels and then it worked quite well.


Hi Rik, I came to the same conclusion. Under the resolution setting for video within the Parallels VM, instead of using "Best for Retina", I now use "More Space". The result is that you can set the font size to Smaller (100%) within Windows Display control panel which seems to be the key here to showing the GUI correctly. I then set the resolution to 1920 x 1200. Whilst this setting does not take advantage of the Retina screen correctly, at least everything now displays as it should within the business modeler.
