Automated backup of PostGreSLQ database, and Mendix Model

Dear, For my application I've a lot of data, which needs to be cleaned, for example, each month. However, before deleting the data, I want to have a backup for the obvious reasons of audit trailing, etc. I know I'm able to download full database backups from the Mendix sprinter, however, I prefer not to do that manually. I describe the ideal situation as follows: an automated script that downloads a full backup from the Mendix production environment (each month) and also the deployment package, and writes this on a local file server (or local database). Does someone has any thoughts? Thank you in advance!
3 answers


For the current deployment package, you could build a tool to download via the Deploy API, documentation here: Deploy API Docs For the database download, I don't see an API that would enable access to that. Maybe that is something on the Mendix roadmap? Perhaps we can have a comment on that from the Mendix side.



If you're running on-premise you could probably make due with some scripts?


Thanks for the comments.

The application is running in the cloud. I will look into the DeployAPI.

If someone else has any suggestions about automated backups, please let me know :)
