Scheduled events not running in live even though defined in the YAML.

We have several scheduled events that are supposed to run. They are all configured in the modeller and defined in the YAML config file. None of them are running though. Is it because they are not defined properly in the YAML file? Below is how they are defined in the YAML file:- ScheduledEventExecution: SPECIFIED # When using ScheduledEventExecution SPECIFIED, provide a list of actions to # enable: MyScheduledEvents: #- Module1.Event1 #- Module2.Event2 #- Module3.Event3 #ApplicationManagement.SE_SendReviewAlert #ClaimsReports.RetrieveDocumentsFromServerIncGroups #CoverNote.RemoveUnfinishedCoverNotes Access.SE_LoginExpiryCheck Administration.PasswordExpiryMessage CommunityCommons.releaseOldLocks DeepLink.CleanUp XLSReport.SECreateQuoteLogSFTPQuoteLog
1 answers

It's kind of hard to read the config, because the YAML file is depending on the indentation of all properties to determine which actions should and should not be evaluated.

But I do notice that you didn't specify a - before each scheduled event name.

In order to specify that the scheduled events belong as a list to the previous property you'll have to use a - before all scheduled event.

For example:

  #- Module1.Event1
  #- Module2.Event2
  #- Module3.Event3
  #- ApplicationManagement.SE_SendReviewAlert
  #- ClaimsReports.RetrieveDocumentsFromServerIncGroups
  #- CoverNote.RemoveUnfinishedCoverNotes
  - Access.SE_LoginExpiryCheck
  - Administration.PasswordExpiryMessage
  - CommunityCommons.releaseOldLocks
  - DeepLink.CleanUp
  - XLSReport.SECreateQuoteLogSFTPQuoteLog