Forgot password link in Forgot Password module does not lead to Forgot password page

I followed all the steps from the documentation for the forgot password module. So now the ForgotPassword.LoginPage shows. Log in works fine. But the link "forgot password" from the loginformwidget on the loginpage looks like this in the browser: http://localhost:8080/index.html?profile=desktop#. This results in the default login screen being shown instead of the page Step1_ForgotPassword. What do I have to do in order to fix this?
2 answers

You probably need to configure anonymous users.

  • Enable anonymous users in the security settings of your project
  • Assign the project role for anonymous users to the Guest module role of the ForgotPassword module

Super! Anonymous role I had already, the assignment of the project role fixed it indeed. thx! Stupid I did not think of it myself.
