Rest module not placing / correctly after
Is there any way to fix this? I read about it somewhere that it got fixed, however I still seem to have the issue that when i go to: and then click on one of the services it redirects to myapp.comrest/service/ Is there a way to fix this issue? edit 07-09-15: This problem seems to be back in the latest version on GitHub? I just downloaded the last version on GitHub and configured it and the above situation occurs (Using RestServicesmx51.5.0.mpk) Locally there is no issue, however when I deploy it in the cloud my 'services' look like this: https://myapp.comrest/getid/?about https://myapp.comrest/businesspartner/?about https://myapp.comrest/logout/?about
Niels van de Sande
2 answers
Did you upgrade to the latest version in the appstore? This should not occur anymore indeed, see this issue. You can also check in your code whether this patch is present or reapply it
Michel Weststrate
you can manage your requesthandlers in them Mendix cloud portal. Have you checked that?