Custom image in Template Grid

In the Domain Model I specified an association with System.Image and I also have an attribute, Binary. But whenever I use the Template Grid and it auto-fills, every attribute loads in, but the image. However, when I try to create that object in a microflow, the image member is missing too, how would I add an image through a microflow? Or do I need to use some sort of image uploader in a page? Thanks in advance.
2 answers

You will need to add an Image Viewer in the Template Grid. You should be able to add a Data View that holds your System.Image object (this is done over association with the Template Grid object) which in turn holds the Image Viewer.

Before all this, you will need to use the image uploader to upload an image and make an association with your object. This tutorial should help:


You should create your own entity that uses System.Image as generalization. You may then reference your own image entity from your other entities. When you create a dataview on the image entity the modeler will create an image viewer in the dataview. Works for template grids too when you allow it to auto fill.
