On-click action on columns of a default mendix datagrid

I'm looking for my options to extend the default mendix datagrid. My requirement is: An on-click action on every column of a row in a default mendix datagrid. When you click on an attribute, i want the possibility to trigger a microflow and pass the current object of the row to my microflow. I know this is currently not possible, but I have several cases where I really could use this. I tried different workarounds, but none of them is really useful: Templategrid i.c.w. a dynamic microflow trigger. This could work, but I miss the ability to sort on the columns. Tooltip, this isn't user friendly. First hover and then click something. Default button, this isn't user friendly, because you can only set one button as default. I want to trigger different microflows on different columns. AFAIK there is no possibility to create some workaround for my requirement, but I could be wrong. Can anyone help me with a workaround? Maybe we could create a new widget, based on the default mendix datagrid. I just need an option to trigger a microflow when I click on a column. Of course this should be configurable for every column. I think this widget would be really useful for the community. Who could advise me in the right direction and give me some pointers? I'm not an widget expert, but with a little help it should be possible I think.
1 answers

I think the DataGridExtension widget can be used for that. It has the feature of creating Inline buttons in your columns.

  1. For every column you can set the microflow which should be triggered and the datagrid rowobject is passed into it as well.
  2. The caption of the button can be set to the cell value.

If needed, a confirmation on the MF can be added as well.
