Which new widgets would you like most?

Hi Mendix community, I'm a Mendix developer at Pegamento B.V. I'm personally investing time in making Mendix better by the development of new widgets, in the process of making these widgets I'm also going to be making releases for public use. The new Mendix widgets I'm going to be developing are going to be in the "answers" below, please up-vote a widget description if you feel that the widget would be a very strong addition to the standard Mendix collection of widgets. Also please leave feedback on them, this feedback could be links to widgets with similar functionality, questions, your personal ideas for them or feature requests. That way I will try and improve on the widget feature lists and design so that it best serves the community and future usage. If you're interested in collaboration on some of these widgets drop me an email at mpuijker@pegamento.nl And please follow the development progress on my github page, the first releases will depend on your input.
5 answers

Widget 1: Date-Time picker

A replacement for the current date time picker provided by mendix


  • easy year selection
  • easy month selection
  • day picking through calendar views
  • attach object attributes to the dates in the calendar and change styling based on these attributes.
  • time picking
  • time formats
  • time scales (seconds, minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, quarter hours, half hours)
  • touch gestures (swiping for next/previous month)
  • ??

Widget 3: Touch gesture enabled grid/ list view / template grid


  • Go to page input (Number, slider)
  • Swipe between pages
  • Drag and drop columns
  • Inline editing
  • Enable/Disable above features
  • Range filter (show values between dates / numbers)
  • Sorting in front end / user interface
  • Resize columns
  • Button placement customization (top/left/right/bottom of the grid, float buttons at selected item again with left-right-bottom-top alignment relative to selected item)
  • Button classes for hover/selected/focus/enter/leave
  • Icon/svg for buttons
  • Disable paging buttons / enable infinite scroll with set amount of items to maintain, retrieve items from DB or association on scrolling down or up.
  • Ctrl+C copy selected grid item and Ctrl+V paste action, delete key to trigger delete entity, Ctrl+N to create new entity CTRL+drag to copy
  • Timers to count down stuff: http://flipclockjs.com/
  • Google speech widget would be nice for mobile: https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/demos/speech.html

Widget 2: Image gallery

Porting http://photoswipe.com/ to a Mendix widget


Same functionality as photoswipe
