Radiobutton List validation - Error message popup

Hello. I'm using the Attribute Radio Button List widget with an enumeration (Yes, No, empty). I have a microflow validating if the attribute has been set to either Yes or No. If the attribute is still empty, I set a show validation message action for that attribute. When I test the radio button list, an error message popup will appear with the validation feedback message along with the validation message underneath the radio button list widget object. I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of the error message popup since I'm already displaying a validation message underneath the widget.
1 answers

Are you using the latest version of the widget? If I recall correctly, there used to be a bug where a popup message would be shown when triggering validation feedback.

See also version history @

Version 5.1.1 had the following comment: - Ticket #203835, undesired validation pop-up occurred.
