Excel export issue (Windows Server 2012)

Hey all, A question for those with experience in on-premise Mendix implementations and/or server management. We've recently taken over development of an existing Mendix on-premise application. One existing issue that needs to be resolved is the fact that the Excel Export feature does not work on the Production and Acceptance Environment. Both environments run on Windows Server 2012. No error is shown in Mendix, neither on the user side, nor in the log. The file is simply not made available to the user. We have no direct access to these environments, but I've received the IIS logs and see a 404 error on a GET request that coincides with every attempt to Excel export. This lead me to believe that the application might not have sufficient access rights on the DefaultUploadFolder. I've asked the SysAdmin to look into it, but he indicates that the application account has full read/write on said folder. Interestingly, we also have an unmanaged Test environment running on Windows Server 2008 that does not have the issue. Does anyone know any other probable cause for this, other than the access rights on the DefaultUploadFolder?
2 answers

Issue is solved, url rewrite configuration within IIS


Confirmed. Thanks Stephan for chipping in :)
