Auto-refresh conditional visibility in Chrome

Hi, I am encountering an odd problem where my conditionally visible table is not updating according to the flags set in a microflow. The following is supposed to happen: User A triggers a microflow which changes the User B's "Start" flag to "true" In User B's view, the table row hidden by "Start = false" is now displayed The following is actually happening: User A triggers a microflow which changes the User B's "Start" flag to "true" In User B's view, the table row is still hidden. I have placed a label of the flag so I can see it has changed to "true", this happens almost instantly. Another weird observance is that this only happens in the context of one of the User B objects I have displayed for User B. I have also tested in Firefox and this problem doesn't occur. I know this is a strange problem but any advice would be appreciated! Anna
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