website or app?

I want to develop an app (hybrid or web app for use on a smartphone only) using Mendix. I have been advised to first develop a PC-website (using Mendix) for testing and evaluation purposes and if it is received well, continue to develop it as an app. What is the benefit in doing it this way? Best regards,
2 answers

A browser app is different from a phone app in terms of screen-design, ui and workflow. If you develop a new concept a browser app can be used to prove it, because it is in general easier to create: More space and more widgets available. On the other hand, if your final goal is phone app, it may be misleading. I would start with the phone app.


Hi Chris,

Thanks for your response. In fact I spend a fair amount of time doing the app design using a mock-up and now the developer that is doing the implementation wants first to do this as a regular website (using Mendix).

I'm afraid this will cost a fair amount of additional (re-design) time and money and I was wondering if this was really necessary. Your answer clearly indicated that this is not the case.
