Google Maps Async Dojo Plugin

I am trying to implement an async plugin to load google maps for a widget I have written the plugin and I have tried multiple ways to include my plugin to the widget. But it seems that dojo runs on mxclientsys and my plugin is not available in that directory. How can I include my plugin to the dojoConfig, this all works outside of mendix but once i try and make my dojo widget a mendix widget it all falls apart.
2 answers

Can't you add a lib folder in your widget and with dojo.require and dojo.provide make sure that the plugin javascript contained in this lib folder is loaded and the code inside this javascript plugin is available in the main widget javascript file?


I don't think it is wise to be using provide or require at all since this is "deprecated" Dojo functionality. There must be an easier and more "up-to-date" way of doing this.
