Present the Calendar in week/day view similar to that on Outlook

I am currently using the Mendix Calendar Widget. Does anyone know how I can present the Calendar week/day view similar to that on Outlook that is having time slots down the left hand side of the calendar with events positioned somewhere close to there allotted time. Has anyone achieved this in Mendix or does anyone know how to go about it?
2 answers


While I don't know what Outlook looks like, it sounds as if you may be using the "Basic week" and "Basic day" views that do not have a time axis down the left side of their respective calendar. Have you tried "Agenda week" and "Agenda day" views? Those can be specified on the "Available views" configuration property on the "Extra" tab of the properties panel.

While that may not be exactly what you are looking for, both of those views do have a time axis down the left side and put each event in the appropriate time slot or slots .... and show appropriate white space between two events with available time between them.

Good luck,



The "Day" view will render this.
