SQL Server Import

I have a mendix application and i need to import data from our HP insight system so that we can compare data and know what needs to be added to the system. The HP Insight has a SQL Server 2005 back end database. I have tried to create webservices on the SQL Server using endpoints however after several attempts i have not been able to import the WSDL into the modeler. This is because of the integrated security etc. I have only done imports from a single XML file, but wish to set up a regular update procedure. I know this can be done with webservices etc but as mentioned before i have not been able to get this to work, See Previous Question. I need to know how others have implemented similar functionality as i am struggling. I know that you could also do it via java, but just don't know how. Any help would be great! Thanks
1 answers

In Java you need to write your own SQL-client to query the SQL server, then iterate through all the rows and import them however you want (create new objects, save them in mendix etc)

How to do this is very specific to your particular needs, to get started I'd recommend reading up on writing database clients on the web
