Deeplink login parameter

I've successfully implemented the Deeplink module. Everything works fine, except presenting the user a login form if he/she is not logged into the application already. Which leads to sending the user into oblivion in the current situation. In the documentation information belonging to presenting a login form is provided about usage in SSO-environments. However, I can't figure out how to configure the login parameter in a standard Mendix application configuration. Maybe I'm overseeing something very simple, If anyone knows the solution that would be great!
1 answers

I do not know to which part of the deeplink documentation you are referring, but if you do not set the boolean to allow guests you should first get the login form automaticly before the deeplink. Are you sure you have called the DeepLinkHome flow on every roles homepage?

If this is the case and you still got problems could you tell us if you are allowing anonymous users? Because that makes the setup most of the time a little more difficult.


