What is the URL path of an image uploaded in Mendix?

Hi guys, We are developing a wordpress widget to make automatically a wordpress page. Herefore we use the data of the users and the images we get in our Mendix app. Then we want to pass these data as a Json to our Wordpress plugin to make the profilepages in wordpress. I checked the image object to see whether I can find the image url to pass through, but could not find an explicit path. When checking the image in production i see a url like this: https://domain.nl/img/NameApp$NameFile.png?636108515796315660 (The number is I think the guid?) So, my questions are: 1 - How could I find the image url of an image uploaded in the Mendix app? 2 - What is your advice about holding the images in the Mendix cloud? Would you advice to commit it in the wordpress environment and deleting it after it from the Mendix app? Thanks
1 answers

The URL is


but you need a valid Mendix session to retrieve the data. You can circumvent this by creating a new requesthandler. You should however always control security to prevent unwanted use of your data.

Your second question is hard to answer, it depends on the purpose of mendix/wordpress application

https://domain.nl/img/NameApp$NameFile.png?636108515796315660 (The number is I think the guid?)

This url is a static image from mendix, the number is cachebust number. That is a unique number to prevent caching.
